Lindsey Rocking a Nylon Bodysuit
Artifact Photography Studio
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Lindsey Rocking a Nylon Bodysuit

Lindsey was my first boudoir client, and together we've explored the genre over the years with multiple creative photoshoots. We weren't sure what to expect with the nylon bodysuit purchased for twenty bucks on Amazon. I call it a bodysuit because it is all one piece with the bottom and top connected by the garters. Imagine, if you will, figuring out how to put that contraption on. It took a while and patience. And then once it is on, imagine feeling completely ridiculous, because, well... you are wearing a nylon bodysuit that pulls and tugs in odd ways. It's a testament to Lindsey that she didn't give up mid-way into putting it on before deciding to take it off and depositing it in the trash bin out of frustration. She waited until AFTER we were done photographing it. I'm so glad Lindsey stayed the course so we could capture this scroll stopper of a portrait. As always, we laughed a lot and had a ton of fun.

Please note that I have a separate website dedicated to intimate portraits. If you'd like to see more head on over to Femme Patronne Intimate Portraits.

Location: Tucson, Arizona.