Dr. Nicole | A Peek Within, PLLC
Artifact Photography Studio
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Dr. Nicole | A Peek Within, PLLC

Every time I am with Nicole I grow to appreciate her even more. She has a very calming energy, a light laugh, a warm smile and listening ears. I want to underscore this point. Nicole really listens and it is such a wonderful gift that she possesses to be able to hold space for others.

I suspect Nicole's emotional quotient skills were honed through the lens of experience because she had to overcome her own health issues. Traditional medicine frustratingly did not hold answers for her. Just recommendations from doctors that suggested pharmaceuticals to treat symptoms without addressing the root cause. Nicole finally found a doctor that had a different approach. He took her blood work and then focused more on what her body was lacking and together they collaborated to put her back on the road to health. Nicole adopted this approach in her own practice. She collaborates with her patients and sees them as complete humans.

Nicole has an arsenal of tools to help her patients heel from the inside, including acupuncture treatments, non-needle acupuncture (also known as Micro-Current Light Therapy (MLT), Clinical whole food nutrition, supplements and herbs, and other medical modalities such as Chinese nutritional therapy, moxibustion, tui na bodywork, cupping and guasha.


Website for A Peek Within

Facebook page for A Peek Within

Session Details:

White Seamless Paper | Studio Lighting

Location: Tucson, Arizona.