Every woman should have something pink in her wardrobe. It is the color of happiness.
-Christian Dior

I didn’t realize how much I like the color pink until I started photographing it. For as much as I love color, my personal wardrobe is filled with black, like my heart (just kidding… it’s what popped into my head as I was typing).
There are two reasons I predominately wear black. First, it is a slimming color. I feel my best when I wear dark colors. For the greater part of my adult life I have struggled with maintaining a healthy weight (which I confronted and addressed in 2020). Second, black camouflages stains. Unfortunately I tend to spill things on myself way too often so black mostly hides those pesky coffee, chocolate, red wine and crafting stains. #kiddingnotkidding

I noticed one day, while perusing through my portfolio, that I frequently photograph pink on both the gold and blondie silver backdrops, and in front of the Bay window to capture the ethereal look that I adore. And let’s not forget the flower wall, which has a plethora of pink and peach colored flowers.

When I embarked upon The Backdrop Project, I decided that I wanted a pink backdrop. I ended up adding in a bit of a chocolate color to give the backdrop some depth. I also painted this backdrop towards the end of the project when I was feeling freer to experiment with painting techniques. Maybe it was from smelling paint fumes for nearly two weeks in a closed up house at the end of a very hot, almost monsoonless, July.

I added texture to the backdrop by spraying thinned paint through a heavy duty spray bottle that I purchased at Home Depot. The nozzle eventually clogged and gave its last spray. Fortunately, the death of the spray bottle was toward the end when I was questioning whether the drop was finished. I’m frequently asked how I know when a creative project is done. In this case, the sprayer was done so I was done.

Interested in learning more about what the studio has to offer? Click on the following links to jump to the studio’s portfolio of images, and download a digital copy of the studio’s Magazine and Style Guide to learn how to prepare for your photoshoot: